

Articles of Science and Technology are covered in this category.

डार्क वेब (Dark Web) क्या है?

डार्क वेब (Dark Web) क्या है? डार्क वेब, इंटरनेट का एक ऐसा हिस्सा है जिसे साधारण सर्च इंजनों जैसे गूगल, बिंग या याहू के माध्यम से एक्सेस नहीं किया जा सकता। इसे सामान्य वेब से अलग करने के लिए इसे “डार्क” कहा जाता है, क्योंकि यह अप्रत्याशित और अक्सर खतरनाक गतिविधियों का स्थल हो सकता […]

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mcqs on diseases

Top 40 Important MCQs on Diseases

MCQs On Diseases are given below : 1. Diseases that spread from one person to another are called(a) Communicable diseases(b) Degenerative diseases(c) Non-communicable diseases(d) None of the above Sol: (a) Communicable diseases. 2. Night blindness is caused due to the deficiencies of(a) vitamin A(b) vitamin B(c) vitamin C(d) vitamin E Sol: (a) vitamin A. 3.

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Important Hormones and Their Functions

Hormones Hormones are special chemicals that travel through the bloodstream. They carry messages from the glands where they are produced to cells in different parts of the body. These chemical messages help to “turn on” or “turn off” cellular processes that control appetite, growth, stress, blood sugar, sleep cycles, sexual function etc. They are secreted by special

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Blood Circulation System in Human Body | Important Points

Blood Circulation System A network of organs that allow the circulation of blood throughout the body is also known as the cardiovascular system or human circulatory system. The human circulatory system consists of a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries, with the heart pumping blood through it. The blood circulatory system (cardiovascular system) delivers nutrients

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Human Digestive System| Important Points

The digestive system performs four functions viz. ingestion, digestion, absorption and elimination.  Ingestion is intake of food. Digestion is of two types viz. mechanical (food is broken down into smaller pieces, this begins as soon as we put food in our mouth) and chemical (use of enzymes and acids to break down consumed food). Absorption is the assimilation of digested food in cells while elimination is passing out of what we cannot digest.

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Digestion mechanism in Ruminants| Important Points

Ruminants are referred to the plant-eating mammals including sheep, goat, deer cattle, buffaloes, bison, giraffes, yaks, etc. Ruminants swallow the food without chewing. After feeding, they bring the food from the stomach back into the mouth and chew it leisurely. This process is called rumination and such animals are called as ruminants. Rumination is also called

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Know all about the Antimicrobial Resistance

What are antimicrobials? Antimicrobials – including antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitics – are medicines used to prevent and treat infections in humans, animals and plants. What is antimicrobial resistance? Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease

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