mauryan art and architecture

Difference between Architecture and Sculpture

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The major difference between architecture And sculpture are discussed below :

Architecture refers to the design and construction of building.Sculptures are relatively small 3 dimensional works of art.
Uses a mixture of various type of materials like stone, wood, glass, metal, sand, etc.A single piece of sculpture is usually made of a single type of material.
Involves study of engineering and engineering mathematics. It requires detailed and accurate
Involves creativity and imagination and may not depend as heavily on accurate measurements.
Example : Taj Mahal, Red Fort, etc.Example : Nataraja Image, Didarganj Yakshi, etc.


  • The word ‘architecture’ is derived from the Latin word ‘tekton’ which means builder.
  • When the early man began to build his shelter to live in, the science of architecture started.
  • It refers to the design and construction of buildings.
  • It is generally uses a mixture of various type materials like stone, wood, glass, metal, sand etc.
  • It involves the study of engineering and engineering mathematics.
  • It requires detailed and accurate measurements.
  • It is visible in both exterior and interior part of the structure.
  • It includes project brief, design, drawing and implementation.
  • It is made from several materials, such as stone, wood, glass, brass, steel and other metals are used in the construction of a building.


  • Sculpture, on the other hand, is derived from Proto- Indo-European (PIE) root ‘kel’ which means ‘to bend’.
  • Sculptures are small works of art, either handmade or with tools and are more related to aesthetics than engineering and measurements.
  • It is smaller 3-dimensional work of art.
  • It is usually made of a single type of material.
  • It involves creativity and imagination. It may not depend as heavily on accurate measurements.
  • It is visible only exterior part of the structure.
  • It includes carving, modelling or casting.
  • For example, a three-dimensional work of art such as a statue.
  • It is made from a single piece of stone or wood or any other material for that matter.

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