Difference between Ductility and Malleability| Important

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Difference between Ductility and Malleability

The main difference between ductility and malleability is that ductility is the property by which a metal can be drawn into wires, while malleability is the property by which a metal can be drawn into plates.

  • Ductility is said to be the property of a material to stretch without getting damaged. Metals having ductile property can be stretched into wires. An example is copper wire.
  • Malleability is said to be the property of a material to deform under compression. The metals having malleable property can be rolled or beaten into sheets. An example is aluminium foil.

Comparison Table between Ductility and Malleability

Parameters of ComparisonDuctilityMalleability
DefinitionThe ability of a metal to be drawn into wires without breaking.The ability of a metal to be beaten into sheets without breaking.
ForcesTensile Stress.Compressive Stress.
Suitable MetalsCopper, Aluminum, Platinum.Gold, Silver, Iron.
Unsuitable MetalsPotassium, Sodium, Mercury.Nickel in addition to Potassium, Sodium, and Mercury.
TestBend Test is used to measure Ductility.Compression Test is used to measure Malleability.
Difference between ductility and malleability

Main Differences Between Ductility and Malleability

  1. The main difference between ductility and malleability is that ductility is the ability of a metal to be drawn into wires, while malleability is the ability of a metal to be beaten into sheets.
  2. Ductility involves tensile stress, while malleability involves compressive stress.
  3. The most ductile metals are copper, aluminum, and platinum, while the most malleable metals are gold, silver, and iron
  4. Sodium, Potassium, and Mercury are neither ductile nor malleable, however, Nickel is a nonmalleable metal too.
  5. Bend test is used to test ductility, while compression test is used to test malleability.

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