Prokaryotic Cell And Eukaryotic Cell e1621565251776

Difference between eukaryotic cell and prokaryotic cell| Important Points

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Introduction of Eukaryotic Cell And Prokaryotic Cell

Eukaryotic Cell And Prokaryotic Cell

The term “prokaryote” is derived from the Greek word “pro“, (meaning: before) and “karyon” (meaning: kernel). It translates to “before nuclei.“ Prokaryotes are one of the most ancient groups of living organisms on earth, with fossil records dating back to almost 3.5 billion years ago.

The term “Eukaryotes” is derived from the Greek word “eu“, (meaning: good) and “karyon” (meaning: kernel), therefore, translating to “good or true nuclei.” They include almost all the major kingdoms except kingdom monera (Kingdom Monera belongs to the prokaryote family).

Difference between Eukaryotic Cell And Prokaryotic Cell are discussed below:

  • Prokaryotic cells are primitive cells mainly found in unicellular organisms, and they do not contain nucleus, instead they contain a fragment of DNA, and the organelles are not bounded by the membranes, where as the eukaryotic cells are found in all types of multicellular organisms such as plant and animal cells and they contain nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
  • Plant and animal cells are not the only types of eukaryotic cells. Protists and fungi are two other types of eukaryotic organisms. Examples of protists include algae, euglena, and amoebas. Examples of fungi include mushrooms, yeasts, and molds.
  • Eukaryotic cells are more complex and larger than prokaryotic cells.
  • Animal and plant cells contain many organelles not found in prokaryotic cells.
  • Prokaryotes have no true nucleus as the DNA is not contained within a membrane, but is coiled up in a region of the cytoplasm called the nucleoid.
  • While animal and plant cells reproduce by mitosis or meiosis, prokaryotes propagate most commonly by binary fission.

List of difference between Eukaryotic Cell And Prokaryotic Cell are tabulated below :

Type of Cell Always unicellularUnicellular or multi-cellular
Cell sizeRanges in size from 0.2 μm – 2.0 μm in diameterSize ranges from 10 μm – 100 μm in diameter
Cell wallUsually present; chemically complex in naturecell walls very rarely, if present they have chemically simple in nature
NucleusAbsent. Instead, they have a nucleoid region in the cellPresent
RibosomesPresent. Smaller in size and spherical in shapePresent. Comparatively larger in size and linear in shape
DNA arrangementCircularLinear
CytoplasmPresent, but cell organelles absentBoth cytoplasm and cell organelles are present
Endoplasmic reticulumAbsentPresent
PlasmidsPresentVery rarely found in eukaryotes
RibosomeSmall ribosomes and spherical in shapeLarge ribosomes and linear in shape
LysosomeLysosomes and centrosomes are absentLysosomes and centrosomes are present
Cell divisionThrough binary fissionThrough mitosis
FlagellaThe flagella are smaller in sizeThe flagella are larger in size
ReproductionAsexualBoth asexual and sexual
ExampleBacteria and ArchaeaPlant and Animal cell

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