Difference Between Plant Cell And Animal Cell

Difference Between Plant cell and Animal cell | Important Points

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Difference Between Plant Cell And Animal Cell

All living things are made up of cells. Cells are the basic unit of a living organism and where all life processes are carried out.

Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic, so they contain membrane-bound organelles like the nucleus and mitochondria. However, plant cells and animal cells do not look exactly the same or have all of the same organelles, since they each have different needs. For example, plant cells contain chloroplasts since they need to perform photosynthesis, but animal cells do not.

Animal cells

Animals are made up of millions of cells. Animal cells have an irregular structure and are made up of four key parts:

  • Nucleus – This contains genetic material (DNA), and controls the cell’s activity.
  • Cell membrane – A flexible layer that surrounds the cell and controls the substances that enter and exit.
  • Cytoplasm – A jelly-like substance where the chemical reactions happen.
  • Mitochondria – This is where energy is released from the food molecules.

Plant cells

Plants are also made up of millions of cells. Plant cells have a nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm and mitochondria too, but they also contain the following structures:

  • Cell wall – A hard layer outside the cell membrane, containing cellulose to provide strength to the plant.
  • Vacuole – A space inside the cell that is used to store substances and help the cell keep its shape.
  • Chloroplasts – Structures that contain the green pigment chlorophyll, which are a key part of photosynthesis.

Plant Cell and Animal Cell can be differentiated on the following parameters :


Animal cells are generally smaller than plant cells. Animal cells range from 10 to 30 micrometers in length, while plant cells range from 10 and 100 micrometers in length.


Animal cells come in various sizes and tend to have round or irregular shapes. Plant cells are more similar in size and are typically rectangular or cube shaped.

Energy Storage

Animals cells store energy in the form of the complex carbohydrate glycogen. Plant cells store energy as starch.


Of the 20 amino acids needed to produce proteins, only 10 can be produced naturally in animal cells. The other so-called essential amino acids must be acquired through diet. Plants are capable of synthesizing all 20 amino acids.


In animal cells, only stem cells are capable of converting to other cell types. Most plant cell types are capable of differentiation.


Animal cells increase in size by increasing in cell numbers. Plant cells mainly increase cell size by becoming larger. They grow by absorbing more water into the central vacuole.

Cell Wall

Animal cells do not have a cell wall but have a cell membrane. Plant cells have a cell wall composed of cellulose as well as a cell membrane.


Animal cells contain these cylindrical structures that organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division. Plant cells do not typically contain centrioles.


Cilia are found in animal cells but not usually in plant cells. Cilia are microtubules that aid in cellular locomotion.


Cytokinesis, the division of the cytoplasm during cell division, occurs in animal cells when a cleavage furrow forms that pinches the cell membrane in half. In plant cell cytokinesis, a cell plate is constructed that divides the cell.


These structures are not found in animal cells but are present in plant cells. Glyoxysomes help to degrade lipids, particularly in germinating seeds, for the production of sugar.


Animal cells possess lysosomes which contain enzymes that digest cellular macromolecules. Plant cells rarely contain lysosomes as the plant vacuole handles molecule degradation.


Animal cells do not have plastids. Plant cells contain plastids such as chloroplasts, which are needed for photosynthesis.


Animal cells do not have plasmodesmata. Plant cells have plasmodesmata, which are pores between plant cell walls that allow molecules and communication signals to pass between individual plant cells.


Animal cells may have many small vacuoles. Plant cells have a large central vacuole that can occupy up to 90% of the cell’s volume.

Difference Between Plant Cell And Animal Cell

The major differences between the plant cell and animal cell are tabulated below:

ParameterPlant CellAnimal Cell
Cell ShapeSquare or rectangular in shapeIrregular or round in shape
Cell WallPresentAbsent
Plasma/Cell MembranePresentPresent
Endoplasmic ReticulumPresentPresent
NucleusPresent and lies on one side of the cellPresent and lies in the centre of the cell
LysosomesPresent but are very rarePresent
Golgi ApparatusPresentPresent
VacuolesFew large or a single, centrally positioned vacuoleUsually small and numerous
CiliaAbsentPresent in most of the animal cells
MitochondriaPresent but fewer in numberPresent and are numerous
Mode of NutritionPrimarily autotrophicHeterotrophic

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