
Difference between True and False fruit| Important Points

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Difference between True and False fruit

True fruit is obtained from an ovary whereas false fruit is derived from various other elements including the ovary. The difference between true and false fruit are given in the table below:

True fruitFalse fruit
DescriptionTrue fruit is a fruit within which all tissues are derived from a ripe ovary and its contents.False fruit refers to a fruit that is formed from different elements of the plant additionally the ovary, particularly the receptacle.
Alternative nameTrue fruit is additionally cited as EucarpFalse fruit is additionally cited as Pseudo-carp, Parthenocarpic fruit, or accessory fruit.
NatureTrue fruit are generally simple fruits, aggregate fruits, and multiple fruitsThe Ovules in false fruits get transformed into seeds. False fruits are generally made up of two parts which are, the pericarp and the seed.
Parts Involved In FormationThe fertilized ovary is solely a part of the plant concerned with forming the fruit.Parts of the plant concerned in fruit formation are floral elements like the perianth, peduncle, and thalamus. 
DevelopmentTrue fruit develops from the ovary which is mature and ripe.False fruits arise from alternative floral elements except for the ovary. 
SeedsTrue fruits have seeds inside them.False fruits do not have seed in them as they are parthenocarpic in nature.
FertilizationTrue fruit forms when fertilization is done.Fertilization is not required for false fruits to develop.
ExamplesMango, Kiwi fruit, Blueberry, Plums, watermelon, Lemon, Cherry, etc.Apple, Banana, Cashew, Strawberry, Figs, Mulberry, etc.

Why Apple and Cashew are not Called True Fruits?

As we all are aware of, fruits are produced only by flowering plants or angiosperms.

The production of fruits from a flower is carried out by a series of process, including the pollination, fertilization, formation of the zygote, and the ovary begins developing into a fruit.

There are two different types of fruits:

True fruits

The true fruit can be defined as the fruit, which is formed from the fertilized ovary of the flower.


Watermelon, lemon, cherry, blueberries are all examples of true fruits.

False Fruits

The false fruits can be defined as the fruit, which is formed from the ripened ovary along with some other parts of the flower like the base or receptacle, the perianth etc.


Apple, banana, cashews, strawberry, are all examples of false fruits.

true and false fruit

This is the reason why apples and cashews are called false fruits and not a true fruit. Because these false fruits are formed the ovary along with other accessory floral parts

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