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Diseases Caused By Microorganisms | Important Facts

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Diseases Caused By Microorganisms

Microorganisms or microbes are microscopic organisms that exist as unicellular, multicellular, or cell clusters. They can be divided into six major types: bacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa, algae, and viruses.

  • While some microbes play an important part in our daily lives by keeping us healthy, others are nothing but disease-causing microbes and can make humans, animals and plants sick by causing infection and disease.
  • Disease-causing microbes can also be called pathogens, germs or bugs and are responsible for causing infectious diseases. They can also contribute to chronic diseases and conditions, and are now being linked with coronary artery diseasediabetes, and certain types of cancer, multiple sclerosis and chronic lung disease.
  • These disease-causing microbes belong to four major groups: bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi.
Diseases Caused By Microorganisms


Viruses are tiny infectious agents. They replicate only in the living cells of other organisms.

  • Viruses can be seen only through an electron microscope.
  • They are inactive outside a living cell.
  • Once they are inside the host body, they take over the entire cellular activities of the organism.
  • They cannot be destroyed by antibiotics.
  • Common cold, Measles, Smallpox, Chickenpox, Dengue, Polio, Rubella, Rabies, Covid-19 are some of the diseases caused by viruses.


These are a diverse group of single-cell microorganisms. They display variety of shapes, including rods, spirals, or spheres. Bacteria divide and reproduce themselves through a process called binary fission.

  • Not all bacteria cause diseases. The bacteria that infect organisms produce toxins that can cause diseases.
  • These can be killed by antibiotics.
  • Disease caused by bacteria: Cholera, Tuberculosis, Anthrax, Tetanus, Whooping cough (Pertussis), Typhoid fever, Leprosy, Plague .


Fungi are microorganisms that are characterised by cell walls made from a substance called chitin.

  • Fungi can grow in damp, moist areas on the body and lead to infections such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, etc.
  • Diseases caused by Fungi: Athlete’s foot, Dhobie itch, Madura foot, Ringworm (tinea).


Protozoa are single-celled parasites. They invade or eat host cell, or gets into the bloodstream and quickly reproduce by copying themselves.

  • Diseases caused by Protozoa: Amoebiasis (Amoebic dysentery), Kala Azar, Malaria and sleeping sickness.

List of microorganisms and infectious diseases caused by them:

DiseaseCausing AgentInfection / Transmission
AIDSHuman T -cell Leukemia Virus HTLV-IIIblood and sperms , thru sexual contact homo or heterosexual)
AscariasisAscaris lumbricoidesraw vegetables infected with eggs
Athletes’ FootTrichophytonbad foot hygiene
Bacillary DysenteryShigella Dysenterieflies, food, faeces
BotulismClostridium botulinumfood poisoning
ChickenpoxVaricella Viruscontact
CholeraVaribrio Choleraeflies, food , faeces, carriers
Common ColdRhino Viruscontact
DengueDengue Virus (arbovirus)Aedes Mosquito
DiarrheaGiardia intestinaliscontaminated stools
DiphtheriaCorynebacterium diptheriae ( Bacteria)contact
FilariasisWuchereria bancroftimosquito, infection in lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels
GonorrhoeaDiplococcus ( Neisseria gonorrhoeae)sexual intercourse
HerpesHerps Viruscontact
Hook worm diseaseAncylostoma Duedenalefaiseces and walking barefoot.
Influenza FluOrthomixoviruscontact
kala azarLeishmania Donovaniinfected sand fly
LeprosyMycobacterium LepraeLong and close contact
MeaslesMeasles virus (ParaMyxoVirus)contact
MumpsMumps Virus (Paramyxovirus)contact, virus in saliva spreads
oriental SoreLeishmania Tropicainfected sand fly
Pinworm DiseaseEnterobius Vermicularis caecumingestion of eggs contaminated food
PlagueYersinia PestisRat Flea
PneumoniaDiplococcus pneumoniaebacteria transmission by contact.
PoliomyelitisPolio Virus or Enterovirushouseflies, food and water
Rabiesrhabdovirusmad dog bites
RingwormMicrosporum Trichophytoncats and dogs
Septic Sore ThroatStreptococcus Bacteriacontact
Sleeping SicknessTryponosoma Bruceireaches lymph nodes via transmission thru fly bites
SmallpoxVariola Viruscontact
SyphilisTreponema Palladiumdirect contact mainly sex
TBMycobacterium tuberculosisBacteria transmission by cough
TetanusClostidium tetanibacteria in soil thru wounds
TyphoidSalmonella TyphiFlies, food etc.
VaginatisTrichomonas VaginalisFemale Vaginal tracts, Male Urinary Tract both may be infected during coitus
Viral Encephelitisarbovirusmosquito Bite
Whooping coughHameophilius Pertussiscoughing and sneezing

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