Art & Culture

Important articles of Art and Culture are covered under this category.

Disciples Of Buddha

Know about the top 10 Disciples of Buddha | Important Facts

Top 10 disciples of Buddha: Sariputra Sariputra, also known as Upatissa was one of the two chief male disciples of Lord Buddha. Another chief disciple of Lord Buddha was Moggallana. Sariputra attained Enlightenment after two weeks of his ordination. Moggallana Mogallana was another chief male disciple of Lord Buddha and was also known as Maudgalyayana. He was the top masters and possesses transcendental powers.  Moggallana is depicted as

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Important Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites

Important Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites There are numerous pilgrimage Buddhist sites in South East Asia and Eastern Asia. But there are only four most important pilgrimage Buddhist sites that are most sacred and have important significance in Buddhism tradition. These Buddhist sites are located in the Gangetic plains of Northern India and Southern Nepal. These four holy sites refer to those sites that

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Important Places Associated with Buddha’s Life and Buddhism

Places Associated with Buddha’s Life and Buddhism The kingdoms he visited are Kosala and Magadha Kingdom. The places visited under these two kingdoms include Kapilavastu, Rajgriha, Vaishali, Gaya, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Kosambi, Shravasti (capital of Kosala Kingdom), Kushinagar, Nalanda, Mathura, Varanasi, Saket, Champapuri, etc. Astamahasthanas (Places Associated with Buddha) Astamahasthanas are eight great holy places associated

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Important Indian Caves in India

Three phases of caves Architecture 1st phase (2nd B.C. to 2nd Century A.D.) In this phase the construction was exclusively related to Buddhism and Buddha was represented symbolically e.g. Lotus, Wheel etc. The examples of this phase include Ajanta, Karla, Bhaja, Kanheri, Nasik, Bedsa caves. It can be concluded that an important connection existed between the religion and commerce, as Buddhist missionaries

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mauryan art and architecture

Know about Mauryan Art and Architecture| Court Art| Popular Art

Introduction of Mauryan Art And Architecture Sixth century B.C. marks the beginning of new religious and social movements in the Gangetic valley in the form of Buddhism and Jainism (Sramana/Shraman Tradition). Magadha emerged as a powerful kingdom and consolidated its control over the other religions. King Ashoka patronized the shraman tradition in the third century BCE. The

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