
Important Top 25 Science MCQs : Part 2

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List of Important Science MCQs are given below:

This is the part 2 of important science mcqs with answer. For part 1, click here. Answers are highlighted in the given options.

1. Which of the following gases is used in cigarette lighters?
(A). Butane                               
(B). Methane
(C). Propane                             
(D). Radon

2. Which of the following is responsible for controlling hereditary characters of the living cells?
(A). Enzyme                             
(B). Hormone
(C). RNA                                   
(D). DNA
(E). None of the above/More than one of the above

3. Which of the following vitamins is known as ergocalciferol?
(A). Vitamin D2                     
(B). Vitamin D3
(C). Vitamin B12                   
(D). Vitamin B6

4. Bakelite is formed by the condensation of
(A). Urea and formaldehyde
(B). Phenol and formaldehyde
(C). Phenol and acetaldehyde
(D). Melamine and formaldehyde

5. Iodised salt contains
(A). Free iodine
(B). Calcium iodide
(C). Magnesium iodide
(D). Potassium iodide
(E). None of the above/More than one of the above

6. Which of the following vitamins is used as an antidote to anticoagulant poisons?
(A). Vitamin A
(B). Vitamin D
(C). Vitamin E
(D). Vitamin K

7. In human body, Vitamin A is stored in
(A). Liver
(B). Skin
(C). Lung
(D). Kidney

8. Soap removes grease by
(A). Coagulation
(B). Adsorption
(C). Emulsification
(D). Osmosis

9. Insulin is
(A). Fat
(B). Vitamin
(C). Carbohydrate

10. Quartz crystals used in clocks are?
(A). Sodium silicate
(B). Silicon dioxide
(C). Germanium dioxide
(D). Titanium dioxide

11. Bromine is a
(A). Colourless gas
(B). Brown solid
(C). Highly inflammable gas
(D). Red liquid

12. Galvanised iron pipes have a coating of
(A). Zinc
(B). Mercury
(C). Lead
(D). Chromium

13. The wavelength of the visible spectrum is in the range:
A. 1300 A-3900 A
B. 3900 A-7600 A
C. 7800 A-8200 A
D. 8500 A-9800 A
E. None of the above/More than one above.

14. Detergents used for cleaning clothes are:
(A). Carbonates
(B). Bicarbonates
(C). Bismuthates
(D). Sulfonates

15. The antibiotic among the following is:
(A). penicillin
(B). aspirin
(C). paracetamol
(D). sulfadiazine
(E). None of the above/More than one above.

16. Who discovered DNA?
(A). James Watson and Francis Crick
(B). Gregor Mendel
(C). Johannsen
(D). Hargovind Khorana
(E). None of the above/More than one of the above

17. Body temperature is regulated by
(A). thalamus
(B). hypothalamus
(C). cerebellum
(D). medulla

18. Einstein got the Nobel Prize for
(A). relativity
(B). Bose-Einstein condensation
(C). mass-energy equivalence
(D). photoelectric effect

19. Oxygen is absent in
(A). Kerosene
(B). Glass
(C). Soil
(D). Cement

20. The book, The origin of species was written by
(A). Linnaeus
(B). Lamarck
(C). Mendel
(D). Darwin

21. Among the following, which is not a true fruit?
(A). Apple
(B). Grape
(C). Date
(D). Plum

22. Legumes are highly nutritious because they are rich in
(A). fat
(B). protein
(C). oil
(D). starch

23. The chemical name for vinegar is
(A). methanol
(B). ethanol
(C). acetic acid
(D). ethyl acetate

24. Which of the following acids does our stomach produce that helps in digestion?
(A). Nitric acid
(B). Perchloric acid
(C). Hydrochloric acid
(D). Sulphuric acid

science mcq

25. Which of the following devices/interfaces did Douglas Engelbart invent?
(A). Computer mouse
(B). USB port
(C). Floppy disk
(D). Compact disc

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