
Top 25 MCQs on Water Pollution| Important Questions

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List of Important MCQs On Water Pollution are given below :

1. Which of the following are the primary causes of water pollution?
(a) Plants
(b) Animals
(c) Human activities
(d) None of these

Sol: (c) Human activities.

2. Which of the following techniques is used for reducing the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water?
(a) Osmosis
(b) Ion exchange
(c) Distillation
(d) Both b and c

Sol: (d) Both b and c.

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3. Which of the following salts is the main cause of permanent hardness of water?
(a) Magnesium sulphate
(b) Magnesium bicarbonate
(c) Magnesium carbonate
(d) None of the above

Sol: (a) Magnesium sulphate.

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4. Which of the following is mainly responsible for the causes of water pollution?
(a) Afforestation
(b) Oil refineries
(c) Paper factories
(d) Both b and c

Sol: (d) Both b and c.

5. Which of the following techniques is used to determine the concentration of odour compounds in the given water sample?
(a) Settling
(b) Flushing
(c) Stripping
(d) Chlorination

Sol: (c) Stripping.

6. What is the health effects of excess fluoride in drinking water?
(a) Fluorosis
(b) Toothaches
(c) Lung disease
(d) Intestinal infection

Sol: (a) Fluorosis.

7. Which of the following techniques is used to remove fluorides from the water bodies?
(a) Osmosis
(b) Ion exchange
(c) Lime softening
(d) Both b and c

Sol: (d) Both b and c.

8. Which of the following is a waterborne disease?
(a) Typhoid
(b) Cholera
(c) Diarrhoea
(d) All of the above

Sol: (d) All of the above

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9. The main sources of Arsenic in water are
(a) Floods
(b) Fertilizers
(c) Industrial waste
(d) Both b and c

Sol: (d) Both b and c.

10. In most freshwater lakes, the algal productivity is limited by the availability of which of the following inorganic ions?
(a) Carbon
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Phosphorus
(d) All of the above

Sol: (c) Phosphorus.

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11. Which of the following diseases or infections is caused due to poor water hygiene?
(a) Leprosy
(b) Trachoma
(c) Conjunctivitis
(d) All of the above

Sol: (d) All of the above.

12. Which of the following statements is true about the composition of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) in soft water?
(a) 0 to 30 milligrams of CaCO3 per litre
(b) 30 to 60 milligrams of CaCO3 per litre
(c) 60 to 90 milligrams of CaCO3 per litre
(d) 90 to 120 milligrams of CaCO3 per litre

Sol: (b) 30 to 60 milligrams of CaCO3 per litre.

13. Which of the following salts are the main causes of temporary hardness?
(a) Calcium sulphate
(b) Magnesium sulphate
(c) Magnesium chloride
(d) Magnesium carbonate

Sol: (d) Magnesium carbonate.

Important Science MCQ

14. According to the Geological survey, water with less than 1000 ml/litre of total dissolved solids is
(a) Brine water
(b) Freshwater
(c) Slightly saline
(d) Moderately saline

Sol: (b) Freshwater

Water Pollution

15. The amount of dissolved solids passing through the filters in the process of filtration is called
(a) Independent of suspended solids
(b) Sum of total solids and suspended solids
(c) Difference between total solids and suspended solids
(d) All of the above

Sol: (c) Difference between total solids and suspended solids.

16. Which of the following units is used for measuring the turbidity of water?
(a) FAU Formazin Attenuation Units
(b) FNU- Formazin Nephelometric Unit
(c) NTU – Nephelometric Turbidity Units
(d) All of the above

Sol: (d) All of the above. Turbidity Measurements units are : NTU, FNU, FTU, FAU, and JTU.

17. Which of the following is not a waterborne disease?
(a) Measles
(b) Typhoid
(c) Cholera
(d) Hepatitis

Sol: (a) Measles.

18. Eutrophication by sewage pollution refers to the 
(a) Nutrient enrichment of freshwater bodies
(b) Nutrient depletion of freshwater bodies
(c) Toxic chemical accumulation in freshwater bodies
(d) Heavy metal accumulation in freshwater bodies

Sol: (a) Nutrient enrichment of freshwater bodies

19. Which of the following is the major reason for algal bloom?
(a) Presence of heavy metals
(b) Contamination of pathogens
(c) Eutrophication
(d) Soil erosion

Sol: (c) Eutrophication

20. Which of the following is the major cause of biomagnifications?
(a) Eutrophication
(b) Detergent pollution
(c) Pesticide pollution
(d) Industrial pollution

Sol: (c) Pesticide pollution

21. Which of the following is an indicator of organic water pollution?
(a) BOD
(b) pH
(c) Salinity
(d) Eutrophication

Sol: (a) BOD

22. Blue baby syndrome is due to the presence of 
(a) Excess sulphate in drinking water
(b) Excess chlorine in drinking water
(c) Excess heavy metals in drinking water
(d) Excess nitrates in drinking water

Sol: (d) Excess nitrates in drinking water

23. Mercury poisoning in water is the reason for
(a) Pellagra
(b) Minamata disease
(c) Itai-itai disease
(d) Scurvy

Sol: (b) Minamata disease

24. Which of the following procedures will give you water free from all impurities?
(a) Adding chlorine tablets
(b) Distillation
(c) Boiling
(d) Filtration

Sol : (b) Distillation

25. Which of the following measure the amount of organic compounds in water?
(a) BOD
(b) COD
(c) Both BOD and COD
(d) None of the above

Sol: (c) Both BOD and COD.

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