
Important English Vocabulary for Different Competitive Exams

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Important English Vocabulary For Different Competitive Exams

The list of difficult English words are given below which are important for different competitive exams like UPSC, SSC CGL, CAT, SAT, TOEFL among others.

Abdicateto step down from a position of power or responsibility
Abhorto hate very, very much; to detest
Abjecthopeless; extremely sad and servile; defeated
Absolutetotal; unlimited; perfect
Absolveto forgive or free from blame; to free from sin; to free from an obligation
Abstrusehard to understand
Abysmalextremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless
Accoladean award; an honour
Acerbicbitter; sour; severe
Acridharsh; like acid
Acrimoniousfull of spite; bitter; nasty
Acumenkeenness of judgement; mental sharpness
Adamantstubborn; unyielding; completely inflexible
Adherentfollower; supporter; believer
Admonishto scold gently; to warn
Adulationwild or excessive admiration; flattery
Affableeasy to talk to; friendly
Agnosticone who believes that the existence of a god can be neither proven nor disproven
Alacritycheerful eagerness or readiness to respond
Amiablefriendly, agreeable
Apathylack of interest; lack of feeling
Apocalypsea prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of world
Arbiterone who decides; a judge
Arcanemysterious; known only to a select few
Arduoushard; difficult
Assiduoushardworking; busy; quite diligent
Astuteshrewd; keen in judgement
Augmentto make bigger; to add to; to increase
Avaricegreed; excessive love of riches
Belligerentcombative; quarrelsome; waging war
Bemusedconfused; bewildered
Benigngentle; not harmful
Blasphemyirreverence; an insult to something held sacred; profanity
Cacophonyharsh-sounding mixture of words, voices, or sounds
Cadencerhythm; the rise and fall of sounds
Cajoleto persuade someone to do something he or she doesn’t want to do
Capriciousunpredictable; likely to change at any moment
Castigateto criticize severely
Chagrinhumiliation; embarrassed disappointment
Chimeraan illusion; a foolish fancy
Cynicone who deeply distrusts human nature
Dauntto make fearful; to intimidate
Deferencerespect; courtesy
Depravityextreme wickedness or corruption
Destituteextremely poor; utterly lacking
Docileeasily taught; obedient
Dogmaticarrogantly assertive of unproven ideas
Ebullientbubbling with excitement
Eclecticchoosing the best from many sources
Egalitarianbelieving in the social and economic equality of all people
Explicitclearly and directly expressed
Fastidiousdifficult to please; wanting everything to be perfect
Fecundfertile; productive
Futileuseless; hopeless
Gratuitous(used about an action) lacking any good reason or purpose and often having harmful effects
Harbingera forerunner; a signal of
Hedonismthe pursuit of pleasure as a way of life
Imminentjust about to happen
Impeccableflawless; entirely without sin
Incorrigibleincapable of being reformed
Ironiceasily angered or provoked; irritable
Lamentto mourn
Loquacioustalking a lot or too much
Malaisefeeling uneasy or queasy
Maudlinsilly and sentimental
Mavericka nonconformist; a rebel
Mendaciouslying; dishonest
Mendicanta beggar
Milieuenvironment; surroundings
Nefariousevil; flagrantly wicked
Obduratestubborn and insensitive
Obfuscateto darken; to confuse; to make confusing
Obliviontotal forgetfulness
Panaceasomething that cures everything
Parsimoniousvery unwilling to spend money or use resources
Peccadilloa minor offense
Pernicioushaving a very harmful or evil effect on somebody/something, in a way that is slow and not easily noticeable
Predilectiona natural preference for something
Profligatewasting money, time, etc. or using it in a careless way
Quixoticextremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
Rapaciousaggressively greedy or grasping
Recalcitrantstubbornly defiant of authority or control; disobedient
Renaissancea rebirth or revival
Renounceto formally give up or resign
Replenishto fill again
Reprehensibleworthy of blame or censure
Rudimentarybasic, crude, unformed or undeveloped
Sacrilegea violation of something sacred; blasphemy
Sagaciousshrewd; keen in judgement
Sanguinecheerful; optimistic; hopeful
Scrupulousstrict; careful; hesitant for ethical reasons
Solicitouseager and attentive
Subversivecorrupting; overthrowing; undermining; insurgent
Succinctbrief and to the point; coincise
Surreptitioussneaky; secret
Tacitunderstood but not actually said
Taciturnuntalkative by nature
Tantamountequivalent to
Tenaciouspersistent; stubborn; not letting go
Trepidationfear; apprehension
Turpitudeshameful wickedness; depravity
Ubiquitousbeing everywhere at the same time
Usurpto seize wrongfully
Vehementintense; forceful; violent
Versimilitudelooking like the real thing
Vicariousfelt or experienced by watching or reading about somebody else doing something, rather than by doing it yourself
Vindicateto clear from all blame or suspicion; to justify
Vindictiveto justify
Vocationan occupation
Volitionwill; conscious choice
Wanton(used about an action) done in order to hurt somebody or damage something for no good reason
Winsomecharming in a childlike or naive way

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