International Space Organizations
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): International Space Organization

- NASA was established in 1958, succeeding the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).
- NASA Headquarters, officially known as Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters or NASA HQ and formerly named Two Independence Square is in Washington D.c.
- Current Missions: Juno, Curiosity, Cassini-Huygens, Dawn, Mars 2020 Rover, Kepler Space Telescope, New Horizon, James Webb Space Telescope, etc.
List Of Indian Space Agencies
European Space Agency: International Space Organization
- The European Space Agency is an intergovernmental organization of 22 member states dedicated to the exploration of space.
- Established in 1975 and headquartered in Paris.
- Recent Missions: Solar Orbiter, Bepi Colombo, Lisa Pathfinder, Columbus, etc.
ROSCOSMOS (Russian Space Agency): International Space Organization
- ROSCOSMOS is a State Corporation that was established in August 2015 in its current form to oversee and implement a comprehensive reform of the Russian space industry.
- It initially began as the Russian Space Agency, which was established on February 25, 1992.
- State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS ensures the implementation of the Russian government’s space program and its legal regulation. ROSCOSMOS is also placing orders for the development, manufacture & supply of space equipment and space infrastructure objects.
- The state corporation is also responsible for international space cooperation and tasked with setting the stage for the future use of results of space activities in the social and economic development of Russia.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA): International Space Organization
- The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) was born through the merger of three institutions, namely the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), the National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan (NAL) and the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA).
- JAXA was formed on 1 October 2003.
- It was designated as a core performance agency to support the Japanese government’s overall aerospace development and utilization. JAXA, therefore, can conduct integrated operations from basic research and development, to utilization.
- Missions- Development and Operation Transportation Systems Linking Ground and Space, Utilizing Space Through Satellites, Space Tracking and Communications Center, Human Space Activities / Utilization of the Space Environment, Research on Space Science, Research on Aeronautical Technology, and Fundamental Technology Research.
China National Space Administration: International Space Organization
- China National Space Administration is the national space agency of China.
- It is responsible for the national space program and for planning and development of space activities.
- Founded in 1993.
- Recent Missions- Chinese Lunar Exploration Programme, Mars Global Remote Sensing Orbitor and Long March 9.
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