
List of Important Phobias for Competitive Exams

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Most Important Phobias For Competitive Exams are given below :

AchluophobiaFear of darkness
AcrophobiaFear of heights
AerophobiaFear of flying
AlgophobiaFear of pain
AlektorophobiaFear of chickens
AgoraphobiaFear of public spaces or crowds
AichmophobiaFear of needles or pointed objects
AmaxophobiaFear of riding in a car
AndrophobiaFear of men
AnginophobiaFear of angina or choking
AnthophobiaFear of flowers
AnthropophobiaFear of people or society
AphenphosmphobiaFear of being touched
ArachnophobiaFear of spiders
ArithmophobiaFear of numbers
AstraphobiaFear of thunder and lightning
AtaxophobiaFear of disorder or untidiness
AtelophobiaFear of imperfection
AtychiphobiaFear of failure
AutophobiaFear of being alone
BacteriophobiaFear of bacteria
BarophobiaFear of gravity
BathmophobiaFear of stairs or steep slopes
BatrachophobiaFear of amphibians
BelonephobiaFear of pins and needles
BibliophobiaFear of books
BotanophobiaFear of plants
CacophobiaFear of ugliness
CatagelophobiaFear of being ridiculed
CatoptrophobiaFear of mirrors
ChionophobiaFear of snow
ChromophobiaFear of colors
ChronomentrophobiaFear of clocks
ClaustrophobiaFear of confined spaces
CoulrophobiaFear of clowns
CyberphobiaFear of computers
CynophobiaFear of dogs
DendrophobiaFear of trees
DentophobiaFear of dentists
DomatophobiaFear of houses
DystychiphobiaFear of accidents
EcophobiaFear of the home
ElurophobiaFear of cats
EntomophobiaFear of insects
EphebiphobiaFear of teenagers
EquinophobiaFear of horses
F, G
GamophobiaFear of marriage
GenuphobiaFear of knees
GlossophobiaFear of speaking in public
GynophobiaFear of women
HeliophobiaFear of the sun
HemophobiaFear of blood
HerpetophobiaFear of reptiles
HydrophobiaFear of water
HypochondriaFear of illness
IatrophobiaFear of doctors
InsectophobiaFear of insects
KoinoniphobiaFear of rooms full of people
LeukophobiaFear of the color white
LilapsophobiaFear of tornadoes and hurricanes
LockiophobiaFear of childbirth
MageirocophobiaFear of cooking
MegalophobiaFear of large things
MelanophobiaFear of the color black
MicrophobiaFear of small things
MysophobiaFear of dirt and germs
NecrophobiaFear of death or dead things
NoctiphobiaFear of the night
NosocomephobiaFear of hospitals
NyctophobiaFear of the dark
ObesophobiaFear of gaining weight
OctophobiaFear of the figure 8
OmbrophobiaFear of rain
OphidiophobiaFear of snakes
OrnithophobiaFear of birds
PapyrophobiaFear of paper
PathophobiaFear of disease
PedophobiaFear of children
PhilophobiaFear of love
PhobophobiaFear of phobias
PodophobiaFear of feet
PogonophobiaFear of beards
PorphyrophobiaFear of the color purple
PteridophobiaFear of ferns
PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying
PyrophobiaFear of fire
SamhainophobiaFear of Halloween
ScolionophobiaFear of school
SelenophobiaFear of the moon
SociophobiaFear of social evaluation
SomniphobiaFear of sleep
TachophobiaFear of speed
TechnophobiaFear of technology
TonitrophobiaFear of thunder
TrypanophobiaFear of needles or injections
VenustraphobiaFear of beautiful women
VerminophobiaFear of germs
WiccaphobiaFear of witches and witchcraft
XenophobiaFear of strangers or foreigners
ZoophobiaFear of animals

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