
Role of Vitamin C, D and Zn in Reducing Risk of Coronavirus

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Role of Vitamin C in Reducing Risk of Coronavirus

  • Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble micronutrient with antioxidant properties that plays a crucial role in the immune system, supporting the epithelial barrier against the entry of pathogens and the cellular functions of the innate and adaptive immune systems. But how?
  • Firstly, it promotes growth of lymphocytes that are white blood cells containing antibodies. These immune cells attack foreign substances that invade your body and try to affect it. Secondly, vitamin C has been found to improve the activity of phagocytes, that are immune cells capable of swallowing harmful pathogens. Thirdly, this nutrient has anti-oxidant properties that help in reducing and preventing inflammation which is a known factor behind a weak immune function. 

Role of Vitamin D in Reducing Risk of Coronavirus

  • Despite its name, vitamin D is actually a hormone produced within the body which regulates over 200 genes in different cell types.
  • Vitamin D is known to help keep bones strong and enhances the functionality of immune cells.
  • Vitamin D may also help control inflammatory responses generated by Covid-19 by downregulating pro-inflammatory cytokines. The high mortality rate and long-term symptoms of Covid-19 are associated with so-called “cytokine storms”, which are caused by an overreaction of the body’s immune system.

Role of Zinc in Reducing Risk of Coronavirus

  • This essential micro-nutrient helps in cell growth and its survival. Zinc acts as a messenger for immune system. It functions as an intra-cellular signal molecule for body’s defence cells. It also reduces level of cytokines, chemicals that are harmful for body. Zinc helps in boosting production of infection fighting cells (WBC and T cells). It also plays a role in the integrity of epithelial barriers, which are essential in order to prevent the entry of pathogens into the body.
  • Zinc can modulate the development and activity of T cells, hence reducing the cytokine storm, characterized by high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines that lead to systemic immune response impairment, resulting in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or in multiple organ failure.
  • Zinc deficiency decreases the activity of natural killer (NK) cells and cytolytic T cells, both of which are involved in the destruction of viruses, bacteria and tumor cells.
  • Another important function of zinc is its direct antiviral activity, which makes it essential for the immune response upon viral infection. Increased intracellular concentration of this mineral can reduce the replication of a variety of RNA viruses and interfere with the viral proteolytic processing of polyproteins.

Note : Check with your doctor before starting a supplement. Ask about dosage, other medications you’re taking, and other health conditions you have.

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